Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Trump's Major Impacts

Trump’s Major Impacts
Alex Kraussel

After winning the election in 2016, Donald Trump looked to “Make America Great Again”. But what has he really done? When looking at the statistics, he has had a yuuuuuge impact on the stock market. The S&P 500 was at a decrease right before Trump was elected, but after, it was at a major increase. It had increased around 550 points. Not only has the S&P 500 risen, but the whole stock market in general. The market has hit record highs ever since Trump was elected. Last month in January, the market had been thriving. Although, it has hit a bit of a wall. High interest rates and inflation are to blame. This has been a problem on notice for a little while now. But it is finally being realized that this problem is real and happening.

Not only did Trump help the stock market, but he has brought unemployment down to a record low too. It is current
ly at 4.1%. This is the lowest in recorded U.S. history. This is also a huge deal because this was one of the topics Trump had promised during his campaign. This has also lead to a tax break, saving many less wealthy families extra money that they can utilize for basic needs.

To close, I believe that people should put their grievances against trump aside and give him a chance. He may not be the best person personality wise (based on opinion), but he sure has done a lot for our economy and market. Personally, I believe that he has had more benefits on our country than drawbacks. I also think that he is a great leader for us. He is one of the first presidents who tells it how it is, and I really admire that about him.

Works Cited

 Chu Economics Editor, Ben. “What Has Donald Trump Achieved for the US Economy 12 Months after Winning the Presidency?” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 8 Nov. 2017,

Shen, Lucinda. “Trump Loves Taking Credit for Stock Market. Other Presidents Did Better.”Fortune, 8 Nov. 2017,


  1. I agree with you, although Trump may not be seen as highly from some people, he is helping the economy a lot. If the economy continues to get better like you say it is, he could have had a very successful term as US president. Even though he may not be the perfect president in some people’s eyes, I agree with you that it is due to the fact that he isn’t a politician and isn’t as clear cut as the other liars.

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  2. Alex; I find it very interesting about the impacts that Trump had on us. A lot of people say that he is ruining the economy and he is not a good president but I feel he has done a very good job. The fact that he has brought the unemployment down in a major accomplishment itself, but the fact that he brought it down to an all time low is even more impressive. This should increase the quality of life for many, many, people that otherwise could not afford goods or the necessities of life now can, and can support themselves. I also think that it is very neat that because of the less unemployment rate there was a tax break that allowed for people with a little less money have some more to support themselves. I think this was also a major accomplishment especially for families that have had something tragic happen to one of the parents, or one of the parents are no longer in their life; they now can save a little money that the are not getting from the other spouse and help pay for their children's clothes and other necessities, or if they do not have kids they have a little extra money to support themselves. Overall I agree with you on the fact that Trump is doing a good job especially with helping others in need out.

    1. I agree completely with you Tyler, I think this article is very interesting and you see a lot of the different impacts that the Trump administrations has caused economically. Personally I think it has done great things for our country economically in a free market type of way. I think that a lot of people economically have felt very encouraged by trump especially in the private sector which has lead to a boost in the economy.


  3. After reading your piece I do agree that Trump has been making the markets unemployment rates better, but at what cost. If you do one with something will always get affected. Trump has done many things that people will never be able to forget, like getting rid of the personal tax that means everyone that does not have a kid will not benefit and get more money back and that left a lot of people mad because they are paying a lot of money to support people with kids, and then what about them. And he did this right after the Government shut down for a couple of hours, so there was no one to support him on this changed and it left a lot of people mad, to me that was not the way to go around it. He could of waited and asked the people how they would feel about the changed, but instead he acted to quickly, Just like when he dropped the record number of bombs on the middle east because they threatened to bomb us, without a second thought he went and did that. So Has the changes he made on the stock market, and how he has put more jobs out their a good thing. Yes, but those are only 2 good things he has done for the people.

  4. Although Trump has said (and tweeted) some questionable things, he has done a few good things for America. Whenever I read the news online or look at stats from past presidencies to the Trump Administration, there has been a major unemployment decrease and I can never read enough articles about how he is helping the stock market. These are some big issues in America that many presidents haven’t been able to tackle nearly as well as he has. Hopefully this streak keeps going and that unemployment rates continue to drop while the stock market continues to rise.

  5. The article itself seems extremely biased towards trump, and also isn't stating anything about what Trump actually did. There is a lack of solid evidence in your article for this being Trump's doing, as no actions taken were described. The "lowest unemployment rate" is a factual inaccuracy, since the rate has been lower in the past. The record low is only in African American unemployment, and Trump isn't the sole cause. The number has been declining for years. Trump is just taking credit for work done by people years before him. Also, the stock market increase after Trump was elected had nothing to do with what he did, with Trump taking credit for Obama's economy. There really hasn't been anything Trump has done for the economy, with the budget still being heavily debated a year after the inauguration. The tax breaks promised also won't happen until the budget is passed, and that isn't going to happen until we decide to waste billions on a wall that literally does nothing. The wall itself shows how bad Trump is for the economy, since the wall will not at all fulfill the intended purpose. The biggest issue though is how Trump takes credit for things he never did. The stock market rose to high levels before Trump was even President, meaning he did nothing to help it. And the recent stock market crash would like to talk to you about "record highs". Economic growth isn't instant. Some changes take years just to start having a visible effect on the economy.

  6. I think that personally many individuals are giving Donald Trump too much credit for bolstering the economy for the year that he's been in office. If we really examine the overall trend of the stock market, if the sitting president at all can be given credit for its behavior, we will see that the stock market was already going up for years before he even took office. In addition, aside from the recent tax bill that has been passed - which by the way won't actually kick in until next year - there has not been any substantial legislation related to the economy that has been passed, excluding a handful of executive orders peeling back some regulations. I personally believe that one should take a step back and examine the context of the economy at the wider time period at large before handing out credit to certain individuals and their supposed actions.


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